Why is violence not the answer? (2024)

Why violence is not always answer?

Overall, violence is almost never the right answer because it brings in more violence, affects younger generations in negative ways and because there are always alternative responses. Learning to act and respond in nonviolent ways can not only ease a conflict but even save lives.

(Video) The Paradox of Violence | Tim Larkin | TEDxGrandForks
(TEDx Talks)

What does violence is not the answer mean?

“Violence is not the answer.” is an oft-used expression. It is usually made in response to aggressive or violent intent. Typically, it is also a subtle accusation of moral inferiority and an attempt to school the recipient in good, socially-acceptable modes of behaviour.

(Video) Violence Is Not The Answer
(Pat Condell)

Is violence the answer or the question?

Violence is the question. The answer is YES! A character who firmly believes in Thou Shalt Not Kill ends up being presented with a situation extreme enough that despite much compunctions and reservations, they are compelled to resort to violence ― and it works. It makes everything all right.

(Beleaf In Fatherhood)

Who said violence is never the answer?

Quote by Martin Scorsese: “Violence is not the answer, it doesn't work any...”

(Video) violence is never the answer... it's the solution
(Aliah Toshi)

Does violence solve anything?

However, violence solves nothing, because the enemy remains alive and able to hold a grudge while the victorious nation is tied up in the affairs of the defeated foe. Thus modern behavior while seeming to be a moral advance with the support of human rights does actually make a serious conflict harder to solve.

(Video) If Violence Is Not The Answer Why Is It Only A Concern When It Causes Damage To Buildings Not People
(DL Hughley)

Can violence ever be accepted?

A State may be justified to respond violently to a violent attack – be it physical, psychological, or verbal violence to be at stake. Equally, according to some, it may be justifiable to respond with physical violence to some legal or institutional violence.

(Video) violence is never the answer...
(Blarghman Adam)

Can you justify your actions just because of violence?

If you justify an act of violence by saying that you are in a fight and are therefore fighting back, the justification is a bad one if you are not entitled to take yourself to be in a fight. Fighting back is justified relative to a practice of being in a fight, but is only absolutely justified if that practice is.

(Video) When Violence IS and IS NOT the Answer (Light Over Heat #13)
(Light Over Heat with Professor David Yamane)

Why is violence necessary?

Violent acts are sometimes necessary in order to protect the human rights of other people. I may have to use violence for self-defence; I expect a policeman to use, in extreme cases, some kind of violence to protect me or my family from violence from other people.

(Video) When Violence is The Answer | Tim Larkin | Talks at Google
(Talks at Google)

Why is it important to talk about violence?

Knowing how to talk with your child about violence will play an important role in easing fear and anxieties about their personal safety in these tenuous times as well as helping them to manage rising concerns.

(Video) The Moment When You Realize Violence Is Not The Answer

When you hear the word violence What do you think of?

1. When I hear the word 'violence', I think of an action or behaviour that involves physical force which is intended to hurt or damage. I think the world is definietly more violent today with tribal wars, terrorist acts, civil unrest, etc. rampant all around us.

(Video) Violence Isn't the Answer (Vine)
(Luken Baugh)

When did MLK say darkness Cannot drive out darkness only light can do that hate Cannot drive out hate only love can do that?

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that." Strength to Love, 1963.

(Video) When violence is not the answer

Who said violence solves everything?

Violence Solves Everything - Russell Newquist.

Why is violence not the answer? (2024)

Can we use violence to establish peace?

When you engage in violence, don't expect peace. By giving out violence, you will only receive more violence as a reaction from the opposite side. This rage-reaction cycle will continue. You cannot fight for peace to experience peace.

Will fighting solve anything?

The important point to remember is that fighting causes damage, but never creates peace or solves problems. “Fighting” and “dealing with an issue” are two distinctly different processes. Probably everyone knows how to fight, but few can count themselves as really good problem solvers or facilitators.

Can you justify your actions just because of violence?

If you justify an act of violence by saying that you are in a fight and are therefore fighting back, the justification is a bad one if you are not entitled to take yourself to be in a fight. Fighting back is justified relative to a practice of being in a fight, but is only absolutely justified if that practice is.

Why is violence necessary?

Violent acts are sometimes necessary in order to protect the human rights of other people. I may have to use violence for self-defence; I expect a policeman to use, in extreme cases, some kind of violence to protect me or my family from violence from other people.


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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Last Updated: 31/03/2024

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.