Why didn't eliezer fast on yom kippur? (2024)

Why didn't eliezer fast on yom kippur?

Elie Wiesel tells his readers that he did not fast that Yom Kippur. In part, he did not do so because his father–knowing that his son needed every morsel of food–forbade him from doing so. But he did not fast for another reason. He did not fast as “a symbol of rebellion, of protest against Him.” (p.

(Video) Holocaust Survivor Ruth Brand Testimony | USC Shoah Foundation
(USC Shoah Foundation)

What was Elie's decision about fasting on Yom Kippur?

What was Elie's decision about fasting on Yom Kippur? Why did he make that decision? He did not fast. One reason was because his father had forbidden him to fast because he was already weak from having too little food on a day to day basis.

(Video) Preparing for the High Holidays with Rabbi Grover: The Story Behind Avinu Malkeinu
(Beth Tikvah Synagogue Toronto)

Why did Elie eat on Yom Kippur?

Searching his father's face, Eliezer finds only despair. Eliezer decides to eat on Yom Kippur, the day on which Jews traditionally fast in order to atone for their sins.

(Video) Kabbalah of Hand Washing-Netilat Yadaim: Explained on five Levels
(Rabbi Aaron L. Raskin — הרב אהרן ראסקין)

When Elie and his father choose not to fast for Yom Kippur How does this act make Elie feel?

He felt strong, and said he had stopped pleading. He was not able to feel sorrow.

(Video) Holocaust Families: What We Learned from Elie Wiesel
(Bravo Niagara!)

Why did it seem unnecessary for the prisoners to fast for Yom Kippur?

Because the prisoners are desensitized to the horrors. He was weak, sick, has dysentery and a fever.

(Video) The Sounds of Tishrei - Four Days: Four Holidays
(Torah in Motion)

Why is eating bread and soup on Yom Kippur significant for Elie?

He got extra bread to help him survive the journey and get stronger. It will help him live. He wont be as hungry and will have more energy.

(Video) Elie Wiesel: From Trauma, Anger, Remembrance to Hope
(Cohen Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies)

Is fasting required on Yom Kippur?

For many Jewish elders, fasting on Yom Kippur is a religious and cultural imperative as well as a life-long tradition. In fact, many seniors who may not be traditional in other ways continue the practice of abstaining from all food on this holiest day of the Jewish year, the Day of Atonement.

(Video) Jewish Standard Time - the Jewish Calendar and Timekeeping (Thinking Tuesdays)
(Machar D.C.)

What did Eliezer mean when he said the whole year Yom Kippur?

What did Elizer mean when he said, " the whole year was Yom Kippur. Normally, during Yom Kippur the Jewish people would fast. Now, they are forced the fast all year long. Its also a constant atoning/ feeling of punishment.

(Video) Webdvar Balak 5773
(Eliezer Zwickler)

What was the question being debated regarding Yom Kippur what side of the debate does Eliezer fall on?

Elie felt alone in a world without God, he saw a world without man (meaning humanity) and God. What question is "hotly debated" regarding Yom Kippur, or The Day of Atonement? They were debating whether or not they should fast for the holiday.

(Video) Night Chapter 5

Why did Elie say it was better not to be considered strong?

Why did Elie say it was better not to be considered strong? If you were considered strong then you had the job of throwing people in the crematorium and that was a job he did not want.

(Video) Why We Fast: Part 1

What is ironic about the choice Elie and his father make concerning staying in the hospital or evacuating with the others in his unit?

What is ironic about the choice Elie and his father make concerning staying in the hospital or evacuating with the others in his unit? Elie later found out that the people that were left behind that day were liberated.

(Video) Who Was Elijah & Why Is He Part of Many Jewish Practices? | The Story of Elijah The Prophet
(Jewish Learning Institute)

How did Elie Wiesel rebel against God?

Morality In Eliezer Wiesel's Night

He convinced himself that there was no more reason to fast, he can no longer accept the silence God has brought. He drank his soup ration as an act of rebellion against God.

Why didn't eliezer fast on yom kippur? (2024)

What did the SS officers threaten to do to the ones who couldn't keep up on the run?

What did the SS officers threaten to do to the ones who couldn't keep up on the run? That they would kill them. After running for hours, where do Elie and his father go to rest?

What was the first horrifying sight that Elie at first disbelieved?

Night Chapters 1-4
What was the first horrifying sight that Elie at first disbelieved?Babies burning
Explain what Elie meant when he said, "Never shall I forget these flames which consumed my faith forever."Lost faith in god
How had Elie changed in a short time?Face, health, weight, emotionless
32 more rows

Why does Elie choose not to fast?

Elie doesn't fast on Yom Kippur because he not only wants to please his father who forbade him from doing so but chooses not to as a rebellion against God as well.

Why do the prisoners not eat the evening meal an especially thick soup as soon as it is served?

Why do the prisoners not eat the evening meal, "an especially thick soup," as soon as it is served? It is the holiday Rosh Hashanah, and they want to wait until after prayer. Which is NOT a reason why Elie chooses not to fast on Yom Kippur?

Why does Eliezer describe himself as a starved stomach?

Why does Elie describe himself as "a starved stomach"? He is just a body anymore - he has nothing else left. Even though Eliezer witnessed many hangings, he only describes two in this section.

Can I brush my teeth on Yom Kippur?

It is not permitted to brush teeth, rinse out your mouth or shower and bathe on Yom Kippur.

Who cant fast Yom Kippur?

One woman can't do it because she is breastfeeding her newborn. A man can't do it because he is diabetic. And another can't do it because he is on daily medication that must be taken with food and water.

Who can drink water on Yom Kippur?

The elderly, ill or those who are pregnant are instructed not to fast at all, but for those healthy enough to spend the 25-hour fast without food or drink, strict rules do apply. According to Chabad, a sect of Orthodox Judaism, all eating and drinking is forbidden on Yom Kippur — water included.

What did Eliezer's wish to burn up the whole world reveal?

What did Eliezer's wish to "burn up the whole world" reveal? This reveals how only vengeance and anger remain in him. Why did Eliezer have conflicted feelings about his father's illness?

How did the head of Eliezer's Block treat the men under his command and why?

how did the head of eliezer's block treat the men under his command? why did he treat them this way? he treated they with as much kindness he was able to give them. he used some of the jewish boys for sexual purposes.

Why is eating bread and soup on Yom Kippur significant for Elie?

He got extra bread to help him survive the journey and get stronger. It will help him live. He wont be as hungry and will have more energy.

What was being debated regarding Yom Kippur what side of the debate does Eliezer fall on?

The debate about Yom Kippur revolves around fasting in observation of the Jewish holiday. Eliezer chooses not to fast... a sign of rebellion.

What is Yom Kippur means?

The holiest day of the Jewish year, Yom Kippur means “day of atonement.” It takes place on the tenth day of Tishri, the first month of the civil year and the seventh month of the religious year in the lunisolar Hebrew calendar.


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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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