Why did kasumi nakano run away to acadia? (2024)

Why did kasumi nakano run away to acadia?

She ran way because she thought she was a synth.

(Video) Fallout 4 Far Harbor: Why did Kasumi Nakano Run Away to Acadia if she isn't a Synth? #PumaThoughts

Why did Kasumi Nakano run away to Acadia Fallout?

Why did Kasumi Nakano Run Away to Acadia if she isn't a ... - YouTube

(Video) Fallout 4 Far Harbor - Convincing Kasumi To Go Back Home / Stay In Acadia - "Close To Home" Quest

Is Kasumi Nakano a synth?

She has no synth component.

(Video) The Commonwealth Invades Acadia: Brotherhood, Institute, & Railroad Solutions - Far Harbor 25

Can you save Kasumi and destroy Acadia?

You cannot save him with this option. If the attack on Acadia takes place and Kasumi dies, you'll get the Destroyer of Acadia perk, giving you bonus damage when you're low health.

(Video) Talking To Kasumi Nakano Fallout 4 Far Harbor
(Savage Discavage)

What happens if you tell DiMA you're in the brotherhood?

You can tell DiMA that you're from the Institute, Brotherhood, or Railroad. He has interesting dialog for each and it will not get you in trouble with him, even if you threaten. DiMA gives you quests to help the citizens of Acadia, though you can continue on the main quest.

(Video) The Secret Meeting: Investigating Kasumi Nakano's Suspicions - Far Harbor Part 11

Is DiMA Nick's brother?

↑ DiMA: "I couldn't let them do it to you anymore. We were the only two prototypes they made. I literally saw myself in you... You were my brother, Nick.

(Video) Fallout 4: Far Harbor DLC #1 - Kasumi, A Runaway?

What happens if you tell DiMA you're a synth?

Make sure you have Valentine with you when you head in.

When chatting to DiMA, you can tell him you're a synth and Nick will appreciate it. On the other side, if you say synths are just machines, Valentine will go minus one on his respect algorithm.

(Video) The Old Synth on the Mountain: Arriving at Acadia - Far Harbor Part 8

How can you tell if a settler is a synth?

How do you know if a settler is a synth. Save your game and then kill them. If they have a synth chip, they were a synth.

(Video) 10 characters who are secretly synths in fallout 4

Should I tell Kasumi to go home?

Fallout 4 Far Harbor - Convincing Kasumi To Go Back Home / Stay In ...

(Video) Fallout 4 - Far Harbor - Kasumi Nakano - All Dialogue Voice Lines

Who is hanging around the red rocket near sanctuary?

Fallout Shelter Game Show Gauntlet Questions and Answers
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Jul 5, 2022

(Video) Destroying Acadia by Siding with Allen Lee - Far Harbor Part 23

What's the best ending for Far Harbor?

The happiest ending with the most rewards is available if you choose this quest to end the main storyline in Fallout 4's Far Harbor DLC. This branch grants the most rewards. If you tell DiMA you will keep his secret, this new branch will open up, revealing the ending with the least bloodshed.

(Video) Fallout 4 - Telling Kasumi's parents she died and was a Synth - Sad Ending
(Klone Wolf)

Is the Sole Survivor a synth?

The reveal that the Sole Survivor is a synth would have made that prescriptive backstory make a lot more sense - just as it's forced on the player, so too was it forced on the player character through false memories. The reveal would also free the player character from that backstory when they explore the world.

Why did kasumi nakano run away to acadia? (2024)

Can you convince Kasumi to go home?

Triggered after Reformation or Cleansing the Land, return to Kasumi at Acadia. You can choose to convince her to stay at Acadia or to go home.

Who should I side with in Far Harbor?

You can get the Far Harbor Survivalist Perk if you side with Far Harbor. Siding with Children of Atom gives you the Crusader of Atom Perk which grants more damage the higher your Rads. The Wind Turbine Kill Switch disables Far Harbor's power, stopping their Fog Condensers and allowing the fog to overtake the town.

Should Nick give DiMA a chance?

If you convince DiMA to turn himself in, or tell Allen Lee, you'll trigger a potential raid on all of Acadia. If you let DiMA make his case, you'll have the chance to plead for the rest of Acadia to be spared - but this will only happen if you've been helping the people of Far Harbor.

How do I get Kasumi back home?

Fallout 4 Far Harbor - Convincing Kasumi To Go Back Home / Stay In ...

How do you get Kasumi back?

When all is done, speak to Kasumi in her usual spot. She still won't have a definitive answer about who she really is, but she'll understand why her parents want her back. You can nudge her into either staying with Acadia, or convincing her to make the trip back to her parents.

What happens if you tell the railroad about the synth refuge?

Upon learning of a Synth Refuge (Acadia), your character gets the option to inform either the Institute, Brotherhood, or Railroad. Given the importance of the leader of Acadia to the storyline, this will undoubtely change things and is likely something you'd rather do later into the DLC or during a second playthrough.

What's the best ending for Far Harbor?

The happiest ending with the most rewards is available if you choose this quest to end the main storyline in Fallout 4's Far Harbor DLC. This branch grants the most rewards. If you tell DiMA you will keep his secret, this new branch will open up, revealing the ending with the least bloodshed.


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Author: Aracelis Kilback

Last Updated: 18/02/2024

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