Substance Abuse and Drug Testing Policy (2024)

Originally Implemented on February 27, 2006 Amended and Restated as of August 23, 2009,
as of September 13, 2010, as of June 6, 2011, as of January 15, 2012 and as of July 23, 2013



The “non-medical use” and associated abuse of prescription medications and performance enhancing drugs, as well as the use, possession and/or distribution of illegal drugs, by WWE Talent are unacceptable and prohibited by this Policy, as is the use of masking agents or diuretics taken to conceal or obscure the use of prohibited drugs.

For purposes of this Policy, the phrase “non-medical use” shall mean use of a drug by a WWE Talent for other than a legitimate medical purpose given pursuant to a valid prescription from a licensed and treating physician. By way of example and not limitation, the phrase “non-medical use” shall, for the purposes of this Policy, include: (A) prescriptions obtained over the internet and/or from suppliers of prescription drugs from the internet; and/or (B) prescriptions for drugs prohibited by this Policy that are more than 60 days old or prescribed more than 60 days prior to the time a WWE Talent is tested under this Policy; and/or (C) prescriptions for the use of the muscle relaxers known under the generic names carisoprodol (Trade name Soma® and others) and/or meprobamate (Trade name Miltown® and others) regardless of the prescription date and/or (D) prescriptions for the use of synthetic drugs, such as synthetic cannabinoids or synthetic cathinones, regardless of a prescription date.

The administration of this Policy is directed by the program administrator for the WWE (“PA”). The Interim Program Administrator is Timothy A. Robert, Ph.D., D-ABCC, Chief Science Officer of Aegis Sciences Corporation (“Aegis”), Nashville, Tennessee. The PA shall be responsible for scheduling WWE Talent for testing, administering collection of samples/specimens, coordinating secure shipment of samples/specimens to the testing facility, and determining whether any WWE Talent has tested positive for the existence of a prohibited drug and, if so, notifying the WWE Talent of the appropriate penalty being imposed under the Policy. In making such determination, Dr. Robert will consider all information derived from the testing, as well as all information derived from the independent investigation of the Medical Director. The final determination of a positive test is made by the PA and is final and binding.

The medical director for the Policy shall be Joseph C. Maroon, MD. Dr. Maroon is a board certified clinical professor of neurological surgery at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and a Heindl Scholar in Neuroscience (“Medical Director”). The Medical Director shall be responsible for performing, upon request from the PA, an independent investigation of a positive test relative to a WWE Talent. The independent investigation conducted by the Medical Director may include the interpretation of information received from WWE Talent concerning whether a particular prescription was given for a legitimate medical purpose by a licensed and treating physician and whether such prescription may, in the opinion of the Medical Director, have caused the positive test at issue.

A. Performance Enhancing Drugs

  1. Anabolic Androgenic Steroids: The non-medical use of anabolic androgenic steroids (“AAS”), which include and are based on the natural steroid Testosterone, is prohibited. The list of prohibited AAS includes, but is not limited to, those on the list below as well as related compounds:
    • androstenediol
    • androstendione
    • bolasterone
    • boldenone
    • chloroxomesterone (dehydrochlormethyltestosterone)
    • clostebol
    • dihydroepiandosterone
    • dihydrotestosterone
    • dromostanolone
    • epitestosterone
    • 4-chlortestosterone
    • fluoxymesterone
    • formebolone
    • furazabol
    • mesterolone
    • methandienone (methandrostenolone)
    • methandriol
    • methenolone
    • methylclostebol
    • methyltestosterone
    • methyltrienolone
    • mibol erone
    • nandrolone
    • norandrostenediol
    • norandrostenedione
    • norethandrolone
    • norethindrone
    • oxabolone
    • oxandrolone
    • oxymesterone
    • oxymetholone
    • stanozolol
    • stenbolone
    • testosterone
    • trenbolone
  2. Peptide Hormones and Analogues: The non-medical use of Human Growth Hormone (hGH), Human Chorionic Gonadotropin ((hCG), Luetenizing Hormone (LH) and Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-1) is prohibited.
  3. Clenbuterol, used as an anti-catabolic drug or beta-2 agonist or for any other purpose, is prohibited.

B. Stimulants

The non-medical use of amphetamine, methamphetamine, Ecstasy (MDMA), Eve (MDEA), MDA, PMA, Phentermine and other amphetamine derivatives and related compounds is prohibited.

C. Pseudoephedrine

The following uses of pseudoephedrine, even if purchased as an over the counter medication without a prescription, are prohibited under this Policy:

  1. The use of pseudoephedrine in a manner which is inconsistent with the instructions provided by the drug manufacturer (e.g., use in concentrations or amounts in excess of the recommended manufacturer’s dosage.)
  2. The use of pseudoephedrine in a manner or an amount that may cause an increased risk to health, safety or an impairment of ability to perform his/her duties in relation to a WWE event or WWE scheduled performance.

D. Narcotic Analgesics

The non-medical use of drugs belonging to this class, including, but not limited to, heroin, morphine and/or its chemical and pharmacological analogs and related compounds, is prohibited. Additionally, codeine and codeine based combinations, including those available over the counter in some countries, are considered prohibited drugs if taken for a non-medical use.

E. Benzodiazepines

The non-medical use of drugs belonging to this class, including, but not limited to, Alpha-hydroxy-alprazolam (Xanax), Lorazepam (Ativan), Nordiazepam (Valium), Oxazepam (Serax), Temazepam (Restoril) and/or chemical and pharmacological analogs and related components is prohibited.

F. Barbiturates

The non-medical use of drugs belonging to this class, including, but not limited to, Amobarbital (Amytal), Butabarbital (Butisol), Butalbital (Anolor 300, Esgic, Fioricet, Fiorinal), Phenobarbital (Luminol, Solfoton), Pentobarbital (Nembutal, Nembutal Sodium), Secobarbital (Seconal) and/or chemical and pharmacological analogs and related components is prohibited.

G. Diuretics

The non-medical use of diuretics, including, but not limited to, those on the list below as well as related compounds, is prohibited:

  • acetozolomide
  • amiloride
  • bendroflumethiazide
  • benzthiazide
  • bumetanide
  • canrenone
  • chlormerodrin
  • chlorthalidone
  • diclophenamide
  • ethacrynic acid
  • furosemide
  • hydrochlorothiazide
  • mersalyl
  • spironolactone
  • triamterene

H. Muscle Relaxers

The non-medical use of drugs belonging to this class, including, but not limited to, carisoprodol (Trade name Soma® and others) and meprobamate (Trade name Miltown®, Meprospan® and others) is prohibited. The “non-medical use” of drugs belonging to this class is prohibited. Regardless of whether there is a prescription, the use of muscle relaxers known under the generic name carisoprodol (Trade Name Soma ® and others) and/or meprobamate (Trade name Miltown® and others) will be considered a non-medical use for purposes of this policy and is prohibited.

I. Sleep Aids

The non-medical use of drugs belonging to this class, including, but not limited to, zolpidem (Trade name Ambien®), is prohibited.

J. Anti-Estrogens

The non-medical use of drugs belonging to this class, including, but not limited to, anastrozole, letrozole, aminooglutethimide exemestane, formestane, testolactone, raloxifene, tamoxifen, toremifene, clomiphene, cyclofenil and fulvestrant, are prohibited.

K. Prescription Medications

WWE recognizes that many of the drugs prohibited by this Policy are prescription medications that serve essential or beneficial purposes for the health and well-being of WWE Talent, and nothing in this Policy is intended to discourage the proper use of prescription medications. Conversely, there are some prescription medications that, even when used properly, may affect safety or health and some prescription medications that can be abused and affect safety and health. The following uses of prescription medications are prohibited under the Policy:

  1. The use of a prescription medication in a manner which is inconsistent with the instructions provided by the prescribing physician.
  2. The use of a prescription medication so as to cause an increased risk to health, safety or an impairment of ability to perform his/her duties on the day of a WWE event or WWE scheduled performance.
  3. The use of a prescription medication without a valid prescription from a licensed and treating physician that was given for a legitimate medical purpose.
  4. The use of a prescription medication obtained from a physician who was not advised that another physician was prescribing the same and/or similar medication/drug.

L. Illegal Drugs

The possession, use, and/or distribution of any drug made illegal to possess, use and/or distribute by the laws of the United States of America and/or any of its fifty states is prohibited by this Policy.

M. Herbal and Dietary Supplements

Over the counter or internet purchases of dietary supplements represent risk of testing positive for a prohibited drug under this Policy. WWE Talent are advised that any product sold with a warning advising non-use if the purchaser is subject to a drug testing program is prohibited by this Policy even though such product may be available without a prescription.

N. Synthetic Drugs

The following uses of synthetic drugs, even if purchased as an over the counter medication without a prescription, are prohibited under this Policy:

  1. Synthetic Cannabinoids – most commonly referred to as “Spice”, or “K2”, are chemically engineered substances, similar to THC – the active ingredient in marijuana – that, when smoked or ingested, can produce pharmacological effects similar to marijuana.
  2. Synthetic Stimulants/Synthetic Cathinones – most commonly referred to as the “Bath Salts” drugs or the “Plant Food” drugs are chemically engineered substances, such as mephedrone, methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) and methylone that when smoked, ingested or injected, can produce pharmacological effects similar to illegal forms of amphetamines/stimulants such as cocaine, LSD, MDMA and/or methamphetamines.
  3. Regardless of whether there is a prescription, the use of synthetic drugs in any form will be considered a non-medical use for purposes of this Policy. The use of synthetic drugs is therefore prohibited and subject to the penalties set forth in Section 15 A of the Policy.

The use of any agent or technique which is designed to avoid detection of a prohibited substance and/or compromise the integrity of a drug test is prohibited. This includes providing false urine samples (for example, urine substitution), contaminating the urine sample with chemicals or chemical products, the use of diuretics to dilute urine samples, the use of masking agents (such as probenecid and related compounds), and/or the use of epitestosterone either systematically or directly to artificially alter the testosterone/epitestosterone ratio.

The use of any such agent or technique shall be treated as a positive test for drugs prohibited by this Policy and shall be subject to the penalties set forth in Section 15 of this Policy.

WWE Talent are expected to be free of the influence of alcohol when performing for WWE. Accordingly, WWE Talent are prohibited from using or consuming alcohol at any time within a twelve hour period prior to any WWE event or WWE scheduled performance. Testing for the use of alcohol shall be for reasonable suspicion only as defined in Section 8A of this Policy. A positive test for alcohol shall subject WWE Talent to the penalties set forth in Section 15 C of this Policy and may also require evaluation for alcohol rehabilitation treatment.

A. Provision of Prescriptions:

WWE Talent are required to provide prescriptions for all drugs prohibited by this Policy to the Medical Director upon receipt of such a prescription from his/her treating physician.

The method to provide this information to the Medical Director is as follows:

  • Using a fax cover sheet, WWE Talent should print his/her name and phone number, the name of the medication, the prescribing physician, and his or her office phone number along with a copy of the prescription providing the dosage and duration instructions for proper use. Though WWE Talent are free to use any format of cover sheet they wish, as long as they provide all of the requested information, a sample fax cover sheet is attached as Exhibit A to this Policy.
  • Fax both the cover sheet and copy of the prescription to the Medical Director at XXX-XXX-XXXX.
  • The Talent’s physician may receive a call from the Medical Director to discuss the prognosis and expected length of treatment and corresponding duration of the prescription.

B. Request for a Therapeutic Use Exemption (“TUE”):

A WWE Talent may request a Therapeutic Use Exception (“TUE”) for a prohibited drug under the Policy if (i) such use is for a legitimate medical purpose given pursuant to a valid prescription from a licensed and treating physician of the WWE Talent; (ii) the use of such prohibited drug is required for more than sixty (60) consecutive days; (iii) the medical need for the prescription and for the prescribed dosage is documented in accordance with standards and practices commonly accepted within the United States medical community; and (iv) the medical need is confirmed by the Medical Director. A WWE Talent in need of a TUE must immediately notify, or cause his/her issuing physician to notify, the Medical Director of the existence of a prescription for a prohibited drug and the medical need for the TUE. Whenever requested to do so by the Medical Director, the WWE Talent shall provide, or cause his/her issuing physician to provide any and all documentation supporting the issuance of the prescription. If requested by the Medical Director, a WWE talent will be examined by physicians/consultants designated by the Medical Director with an expertise in the specific area covered by the prescription. Following the review of all documentation provided by WWE Talent and his/her medical team and, if necessary, the results of any medical exams/tests performed by physicians/consultants designated by the Medical Director, the Medical Director shall make a determination as to whether or not a TUE should be granted to a WWE Talent. The Medical Director shall report his determination to the WWE Talent, the PA and WWE.

A TUE shall be effective for no more than one (1) calendar year (or the remainder of the calendar year then in effect) from the date the WWE Talent first notified, or caused his/her issuing physician to first notify, the Medical Director of the need for a TUE and the existence of a prescription for a prohibited drug. The TUE shall not be effective for any use or possession of a prohibited drug prior to that date. After initial issuance, a TUE may be renewed annually, upon request of the WWE Talent, if (i) the WWE Talent is in full compliance with the terms of the previously issued TUE; (ii) the WWE Talent provides updated medical documentation necessary to support the continued need for a TUE, and (iii) the WWE Talent submits to any additional medical tests or exams required by the Medical Director to confirm the continuing need for the TUE.

A urine sample which is found to contain a prohibited drug will not be deemed a positive test result if such sample was provided by a WWE Talent with a valid and effective TUE for that prohibited drug. A WWE Talent with a TUE for a prohibited drug does not violate the Policy by possessing or using that prohibited drug.

A WWE Talent who is determined not to qualify for a TUE may not challenge a determination that he/she violated the Policy by contending, in connection with a “no fault or negligence” defense or otherwise, that he/she believed he/she would qualify or had qualified for a TUE.

A. Reasonable Suspicion Testing

  1. Reasonable Suspicion. WWE may require WWE Talent to submit to a test or tests, including, without limitation, urine, blood, saliva, hair, and/or breath tests, if there exists reasonable suspicion that a WWE Talent has violated any part of this Policy or has diminished ability to perform as a result of using any prohibited substance. Some of the conditions, observations and/or reports that may cause WWE to have such a reasonable suspicion are as follows:
    1. A WWE Talent is found, observed in possession of, or admits to the use or possession of illegal drugs or illegal drug paraphernalia at any time.
    2. Observation of signs, symptoms and/or behaviors known to accompany the use of prohibited substances including, but not limited to:
      1. Physical signs of red or droopy eyes, dilated or constricted pupils;
      2. Slurred speech, stumbling, or hyperactivity;
      3. Needle marks;
      4. Repeated unexplained disappearances from a WWE event or WWE scheduled performance;
      5. Unexplained lateness in arriving for a WWE event or WWE scheduled performance;
      6. Nose constantly runs, appears red, or persistent sniffling;
      7. Time distortion, including repeated tardiness and missed appointments;
      8. Chronic forgetfulness or broken promises;
      9. Accidents during a WWE event or WWE scheduled performance;
      10. Inability to concentrate, remember, or maintain attention;
      11. Mental confusion, paranoia, or presence of abnormal thoughts or ideas;
      12. Violent tendencies, loss of temper, or irritability;
      13. Extreme personality change or mood swings;
      14. Deteriorating personal hygiene or appearance; or
      15. Aromas on or about the breath, body or clothes.
    3. A drug related conviction.
    4. Receipt of a report from a reliable source that a WWE Talent is using, possessing or selling illegal drugs.
    5. An examination or test, as provided by this Policy, which shows evidence of use of a prohibited substance or which shows evidence of an adulterated or manipulated specimen.

    In addition, WWE may require a WWE Talent to submit to a test or tests that may include without limitation, urine, blood, saliva, hair, and/or breath tests, following an incident in which careless acts were observed during a WWE event or WWE scheduled performance.

  2. Tests for violation of this Policy for alcohol shall be on the basis of reasonable suspicion only.

B. Random Testing

With respect to all substances prohibited by this Policy except for alcohol, which will be tested only if reasonable suspicion exists to do so, WWE Talent will be subject to unannounced testing at any time as determined by the PA. WWE may require WWE Talent to submit to a test or tests that include, without limitation, urine, blood, saliva and/or hair, as part of this random selection program. The random selection program conducted throughout the year is designed to result in all WWE Talent being tested at a minimum four (4) times annually, but may result in more frequent testing due to the random selection process.

C. Follow-up Testing

  1. A WWE Talent, who tests positive for a prohibited substance under the Policy and is penalized in accordance with Section 15A of this Policy, shall be subject to mandatory unannounced follow-up testing as prescribed by and administered by the PA for a 12 month period following the positive test that resulted in this follow-up testing. In addition, any WWE Talent, who has participated in a drug rehabilitation program as a result of the Policy, must also undergo mandatory unannounced follow-up testing as set forth herein for the remainder of his/her contractual relationship with WWE. WWE may require WWE Talent to submit to a test or tests that include, without limitation, urine, blood, saliva and/or hair, as part of this follow-up testing program. Mandatory unannounced follow-up testing need not be based on reasonable suspicion or random testing circ*mstances. Follow-up testing is in addition to any other testing being conducted pursuant to the terms of this Policy.
  2. The PA also reserves the right to require unannounced discretionary follow-up testing of WWE Talent who have previously tested positive, on consecutive testing occasions, for drugs prohibited by this Policy, even if the WWE Talent provides a valid prescription indicating the need to continue the use of such prohibited drugs from his/her licensed and treating physician. WWE may require WWE Talent to submit to a test or tests that include, without limitation, urine, blood, saliva and/or hair, as part of this follow-up testing program. In addition, the Medical Director reserves the right to direct any WWE Talent who has previously tested positive, on consecutive testing occasions, even if the WWE Talent provides a valid prescription indicating the need to continue the use of such prohibited drugs from his/her licensed and treating physician, to be evaluated by a specialist(s) in the area(s) of medicine the Medical Director deems appropriate in order to obtain additional opinions as to the continued medical need for such prohibited drugs and to suggest and provide alternative treatments for the medical need. WWE Talent consents to the Medical Director and/or PA discussing the details regarding the need for the prescription, and to the Medical Director and/or PA discussing the medical need being treated with the doctors and pharmacists involved in the issuance of the prescriptions and/or the treatment to the WWE Talent.

D. Refusal To Test

A refusal to submit to a drug/substance test by WWE Talent shall be treated as a positive test and WWE Talent shall be subject to the penalties set forth in Section 15 of the Policy. Once a WWE Talent is selected to be tested and notified of such testing, WWE Talent will have no more than two (2) hours from time of notification to provide a urine sample. Any delay beyond two (2) hours may be determined by the PA to be a refusal to test. During the two (2) hour period after the time of notification for testing, the WWE Talent must remain in the assigned testing area or be accompanied, at all times, by a person designated by the PA.

The PA will be in charge of collection of specimen(s) and they will carry out the following procedures:

  1. Ensure that the specimen(s) is/are from the WWE Talent in question (including observation of the collection of the specimen(s)).
  2. Ensure that the specimen(s) is/are collected within the time period designated. Normally, collection shall be made within two hours or less of the notification of WWE Talent that testing will be conducted, unless a different time is designated based on the circ*mstances.
  3. Ensure that the specimen(s) has/have not been manipulated by promptly measuring the temperature of the specimen(s). Where results indicate that the sample is inappropriate for testing, the PA may require the WWE Talent to provide additional specimen(s) as necessary.
  4. Label, secure, and transport the specimen(s) to Aegis in such a manner as to ensure that the specimen(s) is/are not misplaced, tampered with, or relabeled.

For more specific information on specimen collection and transport procedures, reference is made to a copy of the Aegis’ Collection Procedures and Protocol attached as Exhibit B to this Policy.

All specimens collected under this Policy are the property of WWE.

All specimen testing will be done at Aegis. Certification of Aegis by any government agency or other third party verifies the competency of Aegis as a testing facility, but does not limit this Policy in the selection of the drugs to be tested by Aegis or the sensitivity of the drug testing being applied by Aegis under this Policy.

Aegis will determine whether and in what amount a particular specimen tests positive with respect to a prohibited substance and whether the specimen has been adulterated or manipulated. Aegis will transmit the results to the PA.


  • A positive test confirms the presence of a prohibited substance, a prohibited drug or a metabolite of a prohibited substance or prohibited drug. In addition, a test that confirms the presence of drug metabolite concentrations in excess of the levels expected when a drug prohibited by this Policy is being used consistent with the therapeutic management of pain will be treated as a positive test.
  • For testosterone, the following standards shall apply:

1. A Testosterone/Epitestosterone (T/E) ratio above ten (10) shall be conclusively regarded as a positive test.
2. A Testosterone/Epitestosterone (T/E) ratio greater than four (4) but less than ten (10) shall require follow-up testing and/or medical evaluation to determine if the test shall be interpreted as positive for the active use of Testosterone or evidence of other steroids influencing the T/E ratio.
3. A Testosterone/Epitestosterone (T/E) ratio of four (4) or less shall be regarded as a negative test.


  • If a specimen of a WWE Talent tests positive for a prohibited substance, the PA contacts the Medical Director and requests that an independent investigation be performed of the positive test. It shall be the responsibility of WWE Talent to provide, if not already provided, to the Medical Director, within seventy two (72) hours of notification of a positive test, suitable proof that the substance in question has been taken pursuant to a valid prescription (or TUE) for a legitimate medical purpose given by a licensed and treating physician, and to provide in accordance with the terms of this Policy, copies of the prescription(s) providing the dosage and duration instructions for proper use (or in the case of a TUE, a valid TUE letter issued by the PA) and the name, address and telephone number of the prescribing physician . The Medical Director, as part of this Policy, shall have the consent of WWE Talent to contact the prescribing physician to confirm that the prescription provided by WWE Talent is valid and has been given for a legitimate medical purpose. The failure to provide suitable proof in a timely manner shall be treated as positive test. After the investigation has been completed by the Medical Director, the Medical Director advises the PA as to the results of his investigation. Based on the information provided, the PA then makes a determination as to whether the test is: (1) positive; or (2) negative. Under either circ*mstance, the PA will communicate the results to the WWE Talent and, if the result is confirmed as a positive test, PA will advise that he/she is suspended (or as the case may be terminated) in accordance with the provisions of the Policy. The PA then advises WWE of the matter and WWE informs the PA of the applicable suspension dates or termination date. The PA sends written confirmation of the final results and the specific penalty imposed under Section 15 of the Policy to the WWE Talent with a copy to WWE.
  • Upon being notified by the PA that a WWE Talent has tested positive for a drug prohibited by this Policy, the WWE Talent shall have seventy two (72) hours to request a second opinion test be conducted. The second opinion test shall be conducted at Aegis using bottle “B” from the original collection. WWE Talent may be present during the second opinion test if WWE Talent so chooses, but, at his/her own expense, the WWE Talent may also be represented at the second opinion test by a qualified toxicologist not affiliated with Aegis or a commercial laboratory and such toxicologist may observe the second opinion test being performed by Aegis. The second opinion test will also be performed at Aegis and the second opinion test will be performed in accordance with the same procedures used by Aegis in the original test. If the second opinion test fails to confirm the original test, then the test will be recorded as negative, there will be no penalty under the Policy and WWE will reimburse the WWE Talent the reasonable cost related to the retention and use of such toxicologist for the second opinion test.

Any WWE Talent, who is arrested, convicted or who admits to a violation of law relating to use, possession, purchase, sale or distribution of drugs will be in material breach of his/her contract with WWE and subject to immediate dismissal.

In addition to the penalties that may be imposed pursuant to his/her contract with WWE, a violation of this Section 14 may also be treated as a positive test for drugs prohibited by this Policy and therefore, subject to the penalties set forth in Section 15 of this Policy.


First Violation:First Violation: In the event of an initial positive test for substances prohibited by this Policy other than marijuana and alcohol, the WWE Talent shall be suspended for thirty (30) days, fined an amount equal to thirty (30) days, pay deducted from the WWE Talent’s downside guarantee on a weekly basis and WWE will publicly disclose the WWE Talent’s name and duration of the suspension and indicating a first violation the Policy.

Second Violation:In the event of a second positive test for substances prohibited by this Policy other than marijuana and alcohol, the WWE Talent shall be suspended for sixty (60) days, fined an amount equal to sixty (60) days, pay deducted from the WWE Talent’s downside guarantee on a weekly basis and WWE will publicly disclose the WWE Talent’s name and duration of the suspension and indicating a second violation the Policy.

Third Violation:In the event of a third positive test for substances prohibited by this Policy other than marijuana and alcohol, the WWE Talent’s contract with WWE will be terminated and WWE will publicly disclose the WWE Talent’s name and that WWE Talent’s contract was terminated for a third violation of the Policy.

For the purposes of the Policy, a violation is defined as a penalty under this Section 15 A that imposes both a fine and suspension.

Any WWE Talent, who leaves the WWE for any reason with a first or second violation on his/her record, will maintain said violation count on his/her record from the time he/she departs WWE until the time he/she returns, if ever, to the WWE.

In addition, any WWE Talent, who is terminated by the WWE for a third violation of the Policy, will be prohibited from returning to the WWE for at least one (1) year. If any WWE Talent, who is terminated for a third violation of the Policy, is permitted by the WWE,
in its sole discretion, to return to the WWE, then (1) such WWE Talent must test negative for all prohibited substances under this Policy during the pre-contract screening process; (2) such WWE Talent will return to the WWE with a first and second violation of this Policy against his/her record; (3) such WWE Talent must undergo the mandatory unannounced follow-up testing set forth in Section 8 C (1) of the Policy for a period of at least one (1) year after execution of his/her new contract with WWE; and (4) such WWE Talent will automatically enter the Violation Redemption Program as defined below.


iIn the event of any positive test for marijuana, the WWE Talent shall be fined Two Thousand Five Hundred US Dollars ($2,500.00) per positive test, which shall be deducted from the WWE Talent’s downside guarantee.


In the event of a positive test for alcohol, the WWE Talent shall be fined Two Thousand Five Hundred US Dollars ($2,500.00) per positive test, which shall be deducted from the WWE Talent’s downside guarantee.


A WWE talent who has “two” violations under the Policy may, subject to Medical Director approval, enter the Redemption Program. The Redemption Program is an eighteen (18) month process that requires the following:

  1. An initial assessment conducted by the Medical Director (or, as the case may be, an addiction specialist recommended by the Medical Director) who will analyze the addiction related issues and health related concerns then being experienced by the WWE Talent, develop proposed treatments, therapies and/or support programs that may assist the WWE Talent in managing these issues/concerns and determine initial entry date for the WWE Talent into the Redemption Program;
  2. Compliance with the assessment recommendations made by the Medical Director (or, as the case may be, an addiction specialist recommended by the Medical Director) for the duration of the eighteen (18) month program;
  3. Mandatory unannounced follow-up testing as set forth in Section 8(C) (1) of the Policy; and
  4. No violations under the Policy for eighteen (18) consecutive months after initial entry into the Redemption Program.

Upon successful completion of the Redemption Program, the WWE Talent shall request the PA, with the approval of the Medical Director, to delete one (1) of the two (2) violations of record for such WWE Talent. In the event the PA determines in favor of the request, the violation record for such WWE Talent will then be amended to reflect the reduction of a violation leaving the WWE Talent with only one (1) violation under the Policy.

Pain medications, and other substances prohibited by this Policy, may be abused at times and can become addictive. A WWE Talent who believes he/she may have a problem with substance abuse is encouraged to self-report and request assistance. No penalties are imposed on WWE Talent for voluntarily acknowledging a problem to the Medical Director prior to a drug test being performed herein and WWE will assist in securing rehabilitation services in such situations. The rehabilitation process can be engaged by a WWE Talent notifying the Medical Director, the PA, WWE Ringside Physicians or the WWE Wellness Coordinator that he/she has a problem and needs assistance.

This Policy, as it may be amended from time to time, is applicable to and binding upon all WWE Talent under contract to WWE who regularly perform in-ring services as a professional sports entertainer (“WWE Talent”).

This Policy (or any portion hereof or any policies contained herein) is subject to change. The list of prohibited drugs/substances set forth under the Policy will be reviewed by the PA, MD and WWE at least once per calendar year. The PA, in consultation with the Medical Director, shall have the sole discretion to revise the prohibited drug/substance list provided that WWE Talent are notified of such changes at least sixty (60) calendar days in advance of testing for any new prohibited drugs/substances. Any other changes, modifications or alterations to the Policy will be with notice to the WWE Talent and shall be binding upon all WWE Talent as the time of publication. WWE Talent shall have no claim or cause of action of any kind against WWE, its affiliated and related entities, subsidiaries or licensees or any of its/their directors, officers, employees or agents with respect to administration of the Policy, including by way of example and not limitation, the publication of a violation under this Policy.

Substance Abuse and Drug Testing Policy (2024)


Substance Abuse and Drug Testing Policy? ›

California law allows an employer to require a "suspicionless" drug test as a condition of employment after a job offer is made but before the employee begins working.

What should be included in a substance abuse policy? ›

A Substance Abuse Policy is a document that outlines the expectations and consequences for employees who abuse drugs or alcohol. The policy should include a definition of substance abuse, expectations for employee behavior, and consequences for violating the policy.

How do you implement a drug test policy? ›

How To Set Up An Effective Drug Screening Program
  1. Choose a Reliable Testing Facility. ...
  2. Establish a Clear Written Policy. ...
  3. Conduct Drug Testing for Job Applicants. ...
  4. Conduct Drug Testing at Random for Employees. ...
  5. Customize the Type and Method of Drug Testing. ...
  6. Document Everything Clearly.

Is drug testing a violation of 4th Amendment? ›

The Fourth Amendment. The public-private distinction is important because drug testing normally involves the taking and examination of material from a person's body that is not normally exposed to public scrutiny and so is considered a search under the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

What is the new law for drug tests in California? ›

Assembly Bill 2188, which Newsom signed in 2022, will prohibit employers from using the results of hair or urine tests for marijuana — which can detect traces of cannabis for days or weeks — in their decisions to hire, fire or penalize workers.

What is one example of a drug policy? ›

Policies that help mitigate the dangers of drug use include needle syringe programs, drug substitution programs, and free facilities for testing a drug's purity. The concept of "drugs" –a substance subject to control– varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

What is an example of a drug policy in the workplace? ›

Employees, volunteers, vendors and guests of {INSERT COMPANY NAME} are prohibited from the use, sale, dispensing, distribution, possession, manufacture, or being under the influence of drugs that are illegal under any federal, state or local law, including marijuana, prescription drugs without a valid prescription, ...

What 3 things do drugs need to be tested for? ›

New medical drugs have to be tested and trialled before being used to check that they are safe and effective. New drugs are extensively tested for toxicity, efficacy and dose.

What is the most common drug test for employment? ›

Urinalysis – A urine test is the most common form of pre-employment drug testing and is typically conducted once a conditional offer of employment has been sent.

What are the steps in drug testing? ›

Drug testing is often a two-step process: screening and confirmation. Screening tests via biological samples are usually first administered for speculative testing.

What is the Drug Abuse Control amendment Act? ›

Improperly used, drugs can cause great injury and do great harm. The Drug Abuse Control Act of 1965 is designed to prevent both the misuse and the illicit traffic of potentially dangerous drugs, especially the sedatives and the stimulants, which are so important in the medicines that we use today.

What amendment gives you the right to refuse a drug test? ›

The fourth amendment provides: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizure, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particu- larly describing the place to be ...

Is a urine test unconstitutional? ›

Inaccurate results can also stem from human area. In most cases, courts have ruled that urine testing involves a search and seizure within the meaning of the Fourth Amendment. Nevertheless, courts have generally held that individualized reasonable suspicion rather than probable cause is necessary to conduct a search.

What is reasonable cause drug testing in California? ›

Employers must test employees for drugs and alcohol if there is a “reasonable cause or suspicion” that an employee might be under the influence of drugs or alcohol on the job (49 C.F.R. § 382.307) or if the employee is involved in a work-related accident (49 C.F.R.

What is SB 700 California? ›

SB 700: California Law Prohibits Employment Discrimination Related to Employee History of Cannabis Use.

What is reasonable suspicion to drug test in California? ›

(b) Reasonable belief for employee drug testing observed facts and behaviors may include: (1) Observable phenomena such as direct observation of drug or alcohol use, possession, or physical symptoms of being under the influence. (2) A pattern of abnormal conduct or erratic behavior.

What are the three elements of a substance abuse program? ›

Here are the three main elements of the substance abuse program.
  • Assessment.
  • Therapeutic drug treatment.
  • Experiential therapeutic programs.
  • About Magnolia Ranch Recovery Addiction Treatment Center.
Jul 27, 2022

What are the characteristics of a drug free workplace policy? ›

According to the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, a drug-free workplace is one where “the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited.” A controlled substance can be any substance that can be abused or cause addiction, and therefore is tightly controlled ...

What does an effective drug-free workplace policy contain? ›

A drug-free workplace policy can include a statement of purpose and a discussion of implementation approaches. The other main elements of an effective policy are: Goals. Definitions, Expectations, and Prohibitions.

Which of the following statements is true of workplace substance abuse policies? ›

Answer. The true statement is that employees should receive drug awareness education, as this aligns with transparent and proactive workplace substance abuse policies.

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

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Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.