How to Recognize, Treat, and Prevent Mange in Dogs (2024)

If your dog is itching like crazy or you notice patches of thinning or missing fur, your pup may have mange. This irritating skin condition is caused by microscopic mites that infest the skin. But there's no need to stress: Mange in dogs is preventable and treatable.

How to Recognize, Treat, and Prevent Mange in Dogs (1)

What Type of Mite: Sarcoptic or Demodectic?

There are two types of mange, and the kind your dog has will depend on which type of mite is causing the problem. Mange is most commonly caused by the sarcoptic mite, Sarcoptes scabiei, or a closely related mite species like Notoedres. This type of mange is called scabies. Your dog can catch these parasites from another animal or from contaminated bedding and give them to you.

Demodectic mites, on the other hand, are naturally present in the roots of your dog's fur (called hair follicles). They're passed from mother to pup during the first few days of life. Normally, a dog's immune system keeps demodectic mites in check. But mange outbreaks can occur if the mite population grows out of control. Mange caused by demodectic mites isn't contagious.

How to Recognize, Treat, and Prevent Mange in Dogs (2)

Causes and Symptoms of Sarcoptic Mange

Sarcoptic mites can't be seen with the eye, but you'll definitely notice the itchy agony they trigger in your dog. These tiny mites live and feed on your dog's skin, with the females burrowing underneath the top layer to lay eggs.

Mange in dogs caused by sarcoptic mites is highly contagious. "It's commonly spread by wildlife," says Travis Taylor, DVM, medical director of VCA Centreville Animal Hospital in Centreville, Va. "If you have wildlife, especially foxes, coming through your yard, your dog's mange is probably caused by this type of mite."

Besides wild animals, your dog can also get sarcoptic mites from other dogs. Mites can pass between dogs that live or play together or at places like a boarding facility or a shelter. Dogs can also pick up a case of mange from infected bedding or blankets, but it's possible that symptoms may not show until 10 days to eight weeks after exposure.

"Early-stage sarcoptic mange usually starts out as an itch around the ear flaps and the elbows," Taylor says. But mites also like living on a dog's belly, armpits, and legs.

Initially, a dog with sarcoptic mange scratches constantly, making the skin under the fur red and irritated. Over time though, sarcoptic mange leads to hair loss, open sores or scabs, and crusting or thickening of the skin. The open sores may get infected and become smelly. If left untreated, it can lead to enlarged lymph nodes, loss of healthy muscle, and sometimes death.

While sarcoptic mites prefer dogs, they can also infect people. They cause an incredibly itchy but short-lived rash in humans.

How to Recognize, Treat, and Prevent Mange in Dogs (3)

Causes and Symptoms of Demodectic Mange

Demodectic mites (demodex) are present in a dog's hair follicles and the skin's oil glands from puppyhood. For most dogs, they don't cause a problem. If they do become troublesome, it's typically a sign of a weakened immune system. Puppies, older dogs, and those with underlying medical conditions such as diabetes or cancer are more likely to get demodectic mange. cause localized or generalized

Demodectic mange may be localized or generalized. When there's an overgrowth of demodectic mites, hair follicles become irritated. "Demodex mange is more subtle than sarcoptic mange in the early stages," Taylor says. "It's not as itchy. It usually starts out as small areas of hair loss." This is known as localized demodex.

Puppies with demodectic mange—also called red mange—develop scaly bald spots near the lips and on the head or front legs. Oftentimes, the immune systems of puppies will kick in and resolve the problem on its own.

Other times, demodectic mange becomes widespread. This is considered generalized demodex. As it progresses, you'll see:

  • More hairless patches
  • Oily, bumpy skin
  • Skin discoloration
  • Itchiness
  • Scabbing and/or crusting of skin
  • Bacterial infections with smelly odor

How to Treat Mange in Dogs

While you may be tempted to use a home remedy or over-the-counter product to relieve your dog's itching, it won't help in the long run. Getting rid of the mites is a must in order to treat mange. Schedule an exam with your local vet for an official diagnosis to find out what kind of mange your dog has, and how to best treat it.

Mange symptoms are similar to other skin conditions in dogs. Your veterinarian will take a skin scraping or hair sample and look at it under a microscope. The skin scrape may temporarily cause the skin to look more irritated, but it's important to do! It's easy to see demodectic mites under the microscope. Sarcoptic mites, on the other hand, can be difficult to spot since they burrow under the skin. Your veterinarian may recommend additional tests to rule out other conditions.

The good news, Taylor says, is that mange treatment has become much easier than for earlier generations. "In the past, we had to rely on dips or daily treatments. Now, we use isoxazoline medications—a group of drugs that many once-monthly flea and tick control products contain. We've found that they're very good at treating both types of mites, in addition to their main use for fleas and ticks."

Taylor says you can expect your pet to feel better within a few days of taking the oral medication. To help take care of the itch while the mites are being killed off, vets often prescribe medications to relieve itching, discomfort, and inflammation. Treatment may include a steroid drug like prednisone. Your dog may also need antibiotics to help clear up any secondary skin infections.

How to Recognize, Treat, and Prevent Mange in Dogs (4)

Is it Possible to Prevent Mange in Dogs?

The use of isoxazoline medications has another bonus—not only does this class of medicine treat dogs for mange, but it can also help to prevent it. "The likelihood that dogs on these preventative medications will develop anything more than a minor mite infection is pretty minimal," Taylor says.

Is Mange Contagious to Humans or Other Pets?

Unfortunately, mange due to sarcoptic mites can spread to other pets in the home and even humans. Special precautions are necessary to keep it from infecting other inhabitants in the home since mites are easily transmittable to other dogs and people.

It's important to isolate your dog from other pets until your dog is free of mites and be sure to keep your dog off furniture and clean all material your dog has been in contact with including their bed, your mattress, blankets, and the carpet. Your veterinarian can give you detailed instructions on how to eliminate sarcoptic mites at home and keep them from coming back.

How to Recognize, Treat, and Prevent Mange in Dogs (2024)


What is the treatment and prevention of mange mites? ›

Certain spray formulations of permethrin are labeled for use against sarcoptic mange mites; however, it is generally not considered the compound of choice. If permethrin is used, the animals should be wet thoroughly with the product and re-treated in 10−14 days.

What is preventative treatment for mange in dogs? ›

Sarcoptic Mange

It is somewhat easier to treat but there is only one true way to prevent your dog from being exposed to the mites responsible for this form of mange, which is to keep your dog isolated from other dogs.

Can Apple cider vinegar cure mange in dogs? ›

Apple cider vinegar is said to relieve itching and kill mange-causing mites. Its antiseptic and antibacterial properties can also help regulate pH levels, which will in turn aid in the healing of damaged skin.

What is effective treatment for mange in dogs? ›

The approved treatments for mange (demodex) are sulfurated lime or amitraz, but when they are not effective, veterinarians may recommend using high doses of the prescription medications, such as Heartgard Plus Chewables (ivermectin).

What disinfectant kills mange? ›

Disinfecting the area, gating and equipment with a bleach and water solution and allowing for time to completely dry will help eliminate mange mites that may be in the environment.

How do you prevent mange from spreading? ›

Preventing the Spread of Sarcoptic Mange

Good hygiene, including frequent hand-washing and changing clothes after handling infected animals can help minimize the potential for infection, though it can't completely eliminate it.

What medication kills mites on dogs? ›

NexGard® and NexGard SPECTRA® are highly effective options to treat mites on dogs. They treat and control Sarcoptes mites, Demodex mites and ear mites. NexGard SPECTRA: The most complete protection against fleas, ticks, mites, heartworm and intestinal worms, all in one tasty chew.

Does ivermectin cure mange? ›

Whilst a single injection of ivermectin at 200–400 µg/kg was reportedly effective at eliminating mange infections in some studies [9, 23, 24], it is recommended that animals receive two to three treatments, 14 days apart, in order to kill S. scabiei larvae that emerge from the relatively acaricide-resistant ova [36].

Does Benadryl help dogs with mange? ›

Not only did she take Bravecto, an oral medication typically prescribed for mange, but she also was given medicated baths twice a week and antibiotics for two weeks. Benadryl, which rounded out her medication routine, helped manage her painful itching.

Does Dawn dish soap help mange in dogs? ›

Quick Answer: Dawn dish soap can help wash off mites from dogs but isn't designed to fully eradicate them. While it may reduce mites, it won't eliminate an infestation. If your dog has mites, consult a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and appropriate, potentially medicated treatments.

Does olive oil get rid of mange? ›

Natural Treatments for Skin Conditions

Applying olive oil directly to the affected areas can soothe the tender skin and help rid the area of mange.

Will Dawn soap help with mange? ›

The drop in the immune system allows the mites to breed out of control, causing the constant scratching, red inflamed skin and hair loss that are mange symptoms. Mites are hard to kill. Washing your dog with Dawn may help the situation, but it won't solve it. There are no lasting effects.

Is there a home cure for mange in dogs? ›

Mites cause two types of mange, Demodectic and Sarcoptic, which is also known as scabies. Both cause itching, hair loss, pain, secondary infections, and relentless scratching, biting, and licking. There are no effective home treatments for mange, so prompt veterinary care is essential.

Is there a preventative for mange? ›

There's really only one thing that you can do to prevent mange in your dog, and then it only works for sarcoptic mange: if you know that another dog has it, don't take your pup near him or her. You may even want to stay away yourself.

How can mange be prevented? ›

The most effective way to prevent the spread of sarcoptic mange is to keep the affected dog/cat away from anything that can't be easily and thoroughly decontaminated, either by cleaning with household disinfectant or running it through the washer and dryer on the hottest setting possible.

What is the treatment for mange? ›

Mite eradication and control: Topical applications of compounds to kill the mites, such as selamectin and imidacloprid-moxidectin formulations, over a period of several weeks have been shown to be effective. Oral treatments are also sometimes used.

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