How to Hatch a Dragon Egg - Minecraft Guide - IGN (2024)

Hatching a dragon egg in Minecraft is one of the most difficult tasks in the entire game. Not only does it require several hours of work, but you'll also need to slay the deadly Ender Dragon – arguably the deadliest mob in your entire server. If that hasn't deterred you, here's what you'll need to do to hatch a dragon egg in Minecraft.

Find a dragon egg

Before you can hatch a dragon egg, you'll need to locate one in the wild. Unlike some objects in Minecraft, which can be found almost everywhere, dragon eggs can only be found after defeating the Ender Dragon. This means you'll need to find an End Portal, activate it, and carry enough high-end gear to take down the high-end enemy.

With the Ender Dragon slain, you're free to collect the dragon egg located in The End. You'll have to be careful, however, as the egg can break if you're not careful about removing it from its stand. Creative players have found a variety of ways to safely remove the egg, but most folks simply create a raised platform around the egg, then use a piston and lever to dislodge the egg and add it to their inventory.

Prepare to hatch your dragon egg

If you're looking to hatch the dragon egg in The End, you can bypass the above process – the egg is perfectly fine in its current location, and doesn't actually play an active role in respawning the Ender Dragon.


To "hatch" your dragon egg in Minecraft and give birth to a new Ender Dragon, you'll need to collect or craft four end crystals and bring them to The End. Take those four end crystals and place one on each side of the portal surrounding the Dragon Egg pedestal. This will reignite the flames on top of the towers scattered about The End and resurrect the Elder Dragon. Keep in mind that this process doesn't necessarily require the dragon egg, and you're free to keep it with you as a trophy of your conquests.

Unfortunately, adding the dragon egg to your inventory and trying to hatch it in the overworld isn't possible in the base game, and you'll need to install a mod to add that ability to Minecraft. In other words, dragon eggs can only be hatched if you're playing a modded game.

How to Hatch a Dragon Egg - Minecraft Guide - IGN (2024)
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