Hamster Health & Welfare Tips | RSPCA - RSPCA - rspca.org.uk (2024)

Hamster Health & Welfare Tips | RSPCA - RSPCA

To give your hamster a happy, healthy life, here's what to do to give them the care and attention they need.

Hamster Health & Welfare Tips | RSPCA - RSPCA - rspca.org.uk (2)

Hamster grooming and dental care

Your hamster will need regular grooming to stay happy and healthy, especially if they're long-haired. If you're unsure about grooming and want some advice, speak to a pet care specialist.

Hamsters' teeth grow continually, and they gnaw objects to keep them sharp and regularly worn down. You'll need to give your hamster suitable gnawing material to maintain their sharp teeth and stop them getting too long, which causes health problems and pain.

Dental problems aren't uncommon in hamsters, so check their front teeth regularly and ask your vet to make sure they're growing properly. If their teeth become overgrown, take them to a vet. If one incisor becomes damaged, the other can keep growing, and this may eventually stop them eating.

Hamster health checks

Hamsters have high metabolic rates and can lose condition quickly if they're unwell. They don't show outward signs of pain, so may suffer before you realise. Stressed hamsters are likely to become ill, so keep a close eye on them and look out for them behaving differently - such as developing repetitive behaviour - as this can show that something's wrong.

Hamsters can be affected by many diseases, and tumours aren't uncommon, especially along the underside of the abdomen. They can become infected by contaminated food, water and litter material, and you should also keep them away frompoisonous materialssuch as poisonous food, plants and chemicals. Consult the vet immediately if your hamster showssigns of illnessor poisoning.

Remember, only treat your hamster with the medicines recommended for them by a vet. Human or other animal medicines are dangerous to hamsters and some oral antibiotics can cause serious digestive disorders.

Treating your hamster with kindness

Hamsters are naturally timid and don't like loud or threatening noises, so be calm around them and never startle or frighten them. Keep a constant eye on them when they're with another animal or person who may deliberately or accidentally harm or frighten them.

Handling can be stressful for hamsters, but they can get used to it and it's important for regularly checking their health and welfare. Handle them carefully and considerately, in a confident but gentle manner, and read more about it in our guide tohandling your hamster.

If you go away

Make sure you have a responsible person to look after your hamster if you're off on holiday. Keep your pet in their familiar cage and leave their usual food, and try not to transport them unless absolutely necessary. If you do need to move them, read our advice ontransporting your hamster.

Finally, it's a good idea to take outpet insuranceto cover the cost of any unforeseen vet bills.

Follow the links below to find out more about caring for your hamster.

Hamster Health & Welfare Tips | RSPCA - RSPCA - rspca.org.uk (2024)


Is there any point in taking a hamster to the vet? ›

Consult the vet immediately if your hamster shows signs of illness or poisoning. Remember, only treat your hamster with the medicines recommended for them by a vet. Human or other animal medicines are dangerous to hamsters and some oral antibiotics can cause serious digestive disorders.

How much does a vet visit cost for hamster? ›

It does depend on where you live but on average I would say an exam is about $30-70, but could be higher for an exotic specialist. If you are on a budget, it is worth calling around your area - and I would also ask if they are comfortable treating hamsters as not all vets are!

Can you leave a hamster alone for a weekend? ›

You should allow your hamster(s) to spend time out of their cage once you can handle them with confidence (see page 10) but never leave your hamster(s) out of the cage unattended or over- night.

Why is my dying hamster making a clicking sound? ›

TLDR; If your hamster is making a clicking noise when breathing, it's likely respiratory, and you need to take them to the vet as soon as possible, I nearly lost my boy in less than 24 hours from it, so a day could mean the difference between life and death.

How do hamsters show pain? ›

Signs of pain, such as sensitivity to touch. Runny eyes or nose. Overgrown teeth. Changes in your hamster's behaviour.

Do hamsters need to get vaccinated? ›

No vaccines are currently required or recommended for hamsters.

How long Syrian hamsters live? ›

By about 14 months of age, hamsters are no longer able to breed. On average, hamsters live about 18-36 months, with the Syrian hamster breed more likely to live longer than dwarf varieties. Any hamster that is a year and a half old is considered elderly.

How much does it cost to own a hamster for a year? ›

Hamsters and similar small mammals will cost you $300 to $500 per year to keep. Small mammals are a popular “starter” pet for families and children because they're inexpensive and don't require a ton of upkeep. They also have very short lifespans, which is sad, but also means there's minimal medical costs associated.

Why does my hamster pee in his bed? ›

Most hamsters prefer their toilet/s to be private. This could also be one of the reasons why he may be peeing in a corner or in his bedroom instead of in your well-intentioned placement.

Can I let my hamster roam around the house? ›

Never leave the hamster unsupervised.

Keep an eye on it constantly, as a hamster can run away and hide very, very quickly. Even if your hamster is in a ball, you should keep an eye on it. A hamster in a ball can get into areas it shouldn't and can get injured if it accidentally rolls down an incline or down stairs.

How long can an escaped hamster survive? ›

Hamsters can survive up to three or food days without food and water. So, it is reasonable to expect that they can survive at least this long after getting lost. However, there is a chance that hamsters can live longer than this after getting lost inside of a house if they have a food and water source.

What irritates hamsters? ›

Choose your hamster's bedding carefully. Some times of bedding, such as cedar shavings, can cause skin irritations because of the oils in the cedar chips. Change your hamster's bedding regularly, and while you're at it, give his cage a hearty scrub.

Where not to put a hamster? ›

Keep their cages away from direct sunlight, and away from fireplaces or radiators. They should also be kept away from bathrooms, drafts, damp areas, or air conditioning units. Hamsters should never be kept in a conservatory or any other sunny garden-based room or outbuilding.

What scares a hamster? ›

A change in their immediate environment, such as a new cage or water bottle or being moved into a new room. Having another pet in the house. Suddenly having small children around. Their daily routine being changed.

Is it bad to not take your pet to the vet? ›

As a general rule, pet owners will want to take adult dogs to the veterinarian once a year for an annual check-up. You should also take your pet to the vet whenever you notice symptoms of illness or injury, or if your dog displays behavior that doesn't match its normal temperament.

How do I know if my hamster is stressed? ›

Cage biting If you see your hamster regularly biting at the bars or the plastic on their cage, this could signify that they are feeling stressed. Digging Excessive digging and other repetitive behaviours like rolling, scratching, licking, or scurrying in circles can all be signs of a stressed hamster.

How do I know if my hamster is happy? ›

One of the most evident signs of a happy hamster is their activity level. A cheerful hamster will be lively, running on their exercise wheel, exploring their habitat, and engaging in playful antics.

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