Fortnite deleting accounts unless players use Social Security or credit card numbers for verification (2024)

Modified Jul 11, 2022 17:39 GMT

Fortnite deleting accounts unless players use Social Security or credit card numbers for verification (10)

Epic Games has teamed up with SuperAwesome to ensure a safer internet for kids. The partnership started in September 2021 but has recently been under the spotlight due to an unusual method of user verification. Moreover, many Fortnite players who haven't verified their accounts have received a deletion warning. This has reportedly been happening since last week.

While this process is done to protect the youngest users on the internet, the two companies require adults to put in either a credit card number or the last four digits of their social security numbers to verify their kids' accounts.

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The community has complained about this, but it is very unlikely that Epic Games will change it. After all, this decision hasn't been made by Epic itself. The company is obligated by law to implement this method of verification, which is unfortunate.

Many players are skeptical about this process and don't trust the developer. However, they will have to complete the verification process as their Fortnite accounts will likely be deleted if they don't.

Epic Games will delete unverified Fortnite accounts

The deletion warning states that if players don't verify their accounts, they will be permanently deleted. Players are given 30 days to verify their accounts, which is more than enough time.

However, since accounts can only be verified by entering credit card info, many people are hesitant to participate in the authentication process.

Fortnite deleting accounts unless players use Social Security or credit card numbers for verification (11)

While getting a Fortnite account verified seems like a no-brainer, sharing such sensitive info with a third party is quite risky. Even though Epic Games will not abuse this information, it is understandable why so many players are bothered by this.

Many of them called this verification "disgusting" after they found out it was true. At first, almost everyone believed it was a scam because, to them, it definitely came across as one.

According to Tim Sweeney, Epic Games CEO, this verification is required because Fortnite is a part of the Metaverse.

“The metaverse will be made up of many types of experiences and will not be controlled by any one company. This will require all of us who are building toward this future to create experiences that are not only interoperable but also take the safety of our audiences into account, no matter their age."

Furthermore, the company has to resort to this process due to different laws in the United States and Europe.

Safer internet for kids

Dylan Collins, the founder of SuperAwesome, talked about safety on the internet in September last year, especially for younger audiences. He pointed out how there are numerous laws and regulations that require this type of verification.

“Regulators around the world have led the charge by introducing laws intended to make the internet safer for kids like COPPA in the US, the Children’s Code in the UK and GDPR-K in Europe.... Free parent verification is a critical industry step to make it easier for everyone to say yes to kid-safe experiences.”

It will be interesting to see if Epic Games changes anything about this process. However, chances are that Fortnite players will have to verify their accounts if they don't want to lose access to them.

Fortnite thieves, scammers? What is that Fortnite explain we put money in the game to delete it and we have to enter the credit card code!!! @EpicGames @FortniteGame

Some fans have been playing for more than four years, and losing their accounts would be a huge shock to them. After all, they have a lot of valuable cosmetic items that are worth a lot of money.

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Edited by Soumyadyuti Ghosh


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Fortnite deleting accounts unless players use Social Security or credit card numbers for verification (29)Fortnite deleting accounts unless players use Social Security or credit card numbers for verification (30)

Fortnite deleting accounts unless players use Social Security or credit card numbers for verification (31)

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    Fortnite deleting accounts unless players use Social Security or credit card numbers for verification (2024)


    Why is Fortnite asking for SSN or credit? ›

    However, according to the official blog by Epic Games, this is being done to ensure that the person creating the account is, in fact, an adult. Since the Social Security Number or credit/debit card information will provide irrefutable proof of age, it is a failsafe mechanic, for the most part.

    Why is Fortnite deleting people's accounts? ›

    The deletion warning states that if players don't verify their accounts, they will be permanently deleted. Players are given 30 days to verify their accounts, which is more than enough time.

    How do I delete my Epic Games account without verification? ›

    Can you delete your Epic Games account without verification? As of right now, you cannot. Epic Games makes sure that you get your account deleted through a code sent by email. You can submit your information through the Contact Us form if you aren't able to access your email for verification.

    Why does Epic Games ask for last 4 digits of SSN? ›

    Social Security Number verification (available only in the US) Your first name, last name, date of birth, address, zip code and the last 4 digits of your social security number (SSN) are checked against a government database to confirm you're an adult.

    Why do I need to verify my Fortnite account? ›

    While it is currently optional, we strongly recommend you verify the email address associated with your Epic account. This helps protect your account with our two-factor authentication and makes it easier for Player Support to assist you in the event of any suspicious activity with your account.

    Does Fortnite delete inactive accounts? ›

    If you do not reactivate it, after 14 days your account will be permanently deleted.

    Is Fortnite banning accounts 2022? ›

    This usually happens when you break terms of service. That said, games can ban you for other reasons too. Fortnite previously banned users for ridiculous reasons, like lag. Even as recently as September 2022, Fortnite issued a mass temporary ban targeting players in the Late Game Arena.

    What happens if your Fortnite account is deleted? ›

    If you decide to delete your account, you'll lose all of your data and information on Epic Games, including your games, purchases, in-game content, game progress, and other data that was tied to your Epic Games account.

    Why is my Fortnite account being deleted in 30 days? ›

    Players are temporarily banned from Fortnite when they're discovered doing something that is against the Code of Conduct or against the rules of a tournament. Temporary bans last up to 30 days, and players will be able to reboard the Battle Bus after the specified time.

    Can you get your Epic Games account back after deleting it? ›

    When you enter your email address and password, a pop-up window will appear. Note: If this pop-up does not appear, then your request to delete your Epic Games account has already been completed. To cancel your account deletion request, click REACTIVATE ACCOUNT.

    What if I can't verify my Epic Games account? ›

    Log in to your account page. You'll see a yellow notification at the top of the screen if your email is unverified. Click click here to resend in the yellow notification. This sends a verification message to the email address on the account.

    How to change Epic Games email without verification code 2022? ›

    Log in to your Epic Games account and then go to the Account portal. In the ACCOUNT INFO section, click the Edit button to the right of your email address. In the pop-up window, enter your new email address and then click CONFIRM. Note: You must enter an email address that's not in use on another Epic Games account.

    Why does Epic Games want my credit card? ›

    Because of this, we need to verify your identity so we know you are really you. One of the most common, COPPA-approved methods used for verifying identity is to charge or authorize a small amount to a credit card. The credit card transaction proves your identity.

    Do you need a credit card to play Fortnite? ›

    Step 6: Download Fortnite, which is free, so you don't need to use a credit card or currency to download it.

    Why is Fortnite asking for parent permission? ›

    If a player indicates they are a child, privacy laws may require a parent or guardian to provide permission for them to access an online game or service that collects personal information.

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    Twitch requires all providers (eg. Partners, Affiliates) — including U.S. and non-U.S., non-profit or tax-exempt organizations—to provide valid taxpayer identity information in order to comply with U.S. tax reporting regulations.

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