6 Steps To A Happier Betta Fish: Your Comprehensive Guide To Enrichment • 2024 Ruffle Snuffle (2024)

Do you find yourself asking, “What can I do to make mybettafishhappier?” If so, then look no further! This comprehensive guide will explore the steps that you can take to provide enrichment for yourbetta fish.

Bettas (bettasplendens) are beautiful and uniquefish. They’re also a lot of fun to keep as pets, but most people don’t know what to do with them.

This is because bettas are often kept in small cups or bowls that aren’t suitable for their needs.

The solution is simple – you need to buy yourbettaatankand decorate it properly so he can thrive in anatural habitat!

To ensure that this is a worthwhile endeavour for all parties involved, we’ll also discuss how important enrichment is and what it does for yourBetta. So without any further ado, let’s get started with step one!

In this article you will learn show

What arebettafish?

Bettafishare also known assiamesefightingfish. They are curious, intelligent and inquisitive creatures who like to play with toys, and hide behind plants and logs. They are easily identified because of their bright, beautiful colouration and elaborate fin displays.

Bettas are labyrinthfish. This means they have a special organ, known as the labyrinth, which allows them to breathe air from the surface of thewater.

Often considered as starter pets, bettas do require proper care and maintenance to thrive and live healthy, enriched lives.

Bettafishneed theirwaterquality and temperature maintained, they need plenty of room, they need to have a proper diet, and they should not be kept with otherfish(including their ownspecies) because of their territorial nature.

Male bettas are very popular because of their magnificent fins, but afemalebettais just as pretty and sometimes females can live together as a sorority in the right environment.

Environmental Enrichment – The RightAquariumSet Up For YourBetta

When you first purchase yourbettafish, it probably came in a small fishbowl, or worse, a plastic pot.Bettafishneed more than afishbowlto live in. Abettabowlis just too small for them to live in for proper enrichment.Bettafishlike to swim around an adequate space and hide under logs and behind plants and play withfishtoys.

Bettafishneed to be able to be able to express natural behaviours and activities that require more room and larger aquariums. These activities include:

  • Swimming
  • Hunting
  • Hiding
  • Playing
  • Resting

Yourbettafishwill appreciate an aquascapedfishtankthat is at least 5 gallons (22 litres) in capacity.

Bettafishare naturally curious creatures who love to swim and explore their surroundings. In the wild they live in slow moving shallowwaterthat is densely packed with vegetation so you can do the same for them in youraquariumto mimic their natural environment.

A largertankwill also help keep thewaterquality stable with regularwaterchanges and less chance forammoniato build up and poison yourfish.

ProperWaterQuality and Temperature Are Vital for a HappyBetta

Properwaterquality is essential for the health and well-being of yourbettafish. There are numerous toxins that can build up in yourbettafish’stank, of which you need to be aware:

  • Uneatenfoodthat falls to the bottom of thetankand is left to rot in thewater
  • Urine from yourfish
  • Faeces that may be left or unseen

The best way to keep yourbettafishtankfresh and clean from the toxins (likeammonia) is to purchase a low-flow filtration system. They are pretty inexpensive and will help keep yourfishtank’s environment toxin-free and clean for yourbettafishto enjoy. However, most pumps on aquariums are pretty aggressive so will need slowing down. You can slow the flow by adding a spray bar or sponge in front of the filter outlet to diffuse the current.

Do not use tapwaterto fill up yourbettafish’stankbecause it could contain dangerous chemicals such as heavy metals, chloramine, and chlorine.

These chemicals and others can make yourbettafishsick or even cause immunosuppression, which means their little body’s immune system has a difficult time fighting off infections and diseases.

Change thewaterregularly in yourbettatank. At least 25% once a week. And don’t forget to clean the filter too.

Make sure yourtankhas cycled properly before adding yourbettaso that there are enoughbeneficial bacteriain the system to keep thetankclean and in balance.

What Type ofWaterandWaterTemperatureis Best for aBetta?

Distilled or bottledwateris recommended for the longevity and health of yourbettafishbecause they are both free of harmful chemicals, minerals, and toxins. If you have to use tapwater, then you should invest in a dechlorinating product and consistently test thefishtank’swaterfor heavy metals and other harmful chemicals.

You may not have realised this when you first purchased yourbettafish, but it is atropicalfish. Therefore, abettatankshould be kept at a certain temperature, between 76 and 81 degrees Fahrenheit.

If your home usually is kept below 76 degrees Fahrenheit (most homes are kept between 68 and 71 degrees Fahrenheit), then asubmersibleaquariumheatermay be needed to maintain the proper temperature of yourfishtank. That way, you can set the temperature and feel comfortable knowing yourbettais warm enough in his tropical environment.

Structural Enrichment – How to Decorate YourBettaFish’s Home Properly

One of the main ways to make sure yourbettafishhas an enriched life is to use structural enrichment. Since bettas are territorial and do not play friendly with other similar types offish, you can help entertain yourbettafishwith toys, plants, and otheraquarium-friendly items.

Bettas love lounging on leaves, hiding behind logs, and even playing with balls! One of my bettas favourite things is a little hammock shaped like a leaf, yes, that’s right yourbettalikes to chill on a hammock. How cool is that?

The following items are great for decorating yourbettafishto provide enrichment and stimulation:

As long as yourfishtankis big enough, you can design an underwater jungle that will give yourbettafishthe opportunity to explore and serve its inquisitive nature. You just want to make sure you do not purchase any toys, plants, or decorations that have sharp or rough edges that can seriously scratch or damage yourbetta’s fins and skin.

6 Steps To A Happier Betta Fish: Your Comprehensive Guide To Enrichment • 2024 Ruffle Snuffle (1)

BestAquariumPlants for Bettas

Aquariumplants can give yourbettafishhours of fun because they are literally like an aquatic jungle gym for your curious creature. Yourbettacan hide behind them or lounge on the leaves. If you use live aquatic plants, they also help produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide andammoniainsidetheaquarium. Dried Indian almond leaves (catappa) are also an excellent addition to thetankas they release tannins into thewater. Tannins have mild antibiotic and anti fungal properties, they will also tint thewaterbrown creating a more natural environment.

Live plantswork best because they release oxygen within 15 to 30 minutes of being added to thefishtank. In addition to the oxygen, tannins, and mineral benefits, foliage and other leaves from the wild are suitable for resting and recharging yourbetta’s energy.

  • Anubias plants come in different sizes and can act as resting hammocks.
  • Christmas moss bridge can provide shelter.
  • Tall background plants can be fun to swim through.
  • Java ferns have long, thick leaves.
  • Indian almond leaves are easy to manage and have tannin, antifungal, and antibiotic properties.
  • Watersprite is a floating plant yourbettacan investigate.
  • Marimo moss balls are one of the easiestaquarium“plants” (although it is actually a type of algae).
  • Vallisneria is tall and grass-like and can act as a territorial barrier.
  • Cryptocoryne plants are perfect resting places.
  • Bettabulbs are fun to swim between.
  • For larger aquariums, sword plants provide both resting and hiding spots for yourbetta.
  • Pogostemon stellatus “Octopus” is a unique plant that can work as a background plant in larger tanks.

If you do choose fake plants, make sure they do not have any sharp edges that could damage yourbetta’s delicate fins. Silk plants are a good choice to avoid damaging yourbettafish’s delicate exterior.

Real plants, however, will help reduce the stress of yourbettafishbecause they recreate your creature’snatural habitat.

BettaHammocks Are Great For Chilling Out

Bettahammocks are leaves that are made precisely for some much-needed resting and allow yourfishto rest near thewater’s surface.

Usually they are attached to the wall oftheaquariumusing a suction cup to give yourbettafisha familiar place to chill or sleep.

These leaves are usually made with non-toxic materials so that yourbettafishwill not be harmed while sleeping on its surface or playing with it during the day.

Why arebettahammocks so enriching to yourfish’s life? If yourbettafishwas living in the wild, it would be living in shallow waters and looking for a place near thewater’s surface to rest.

Using a Mirror for Stimulation

Yourbettafishis territorial, and it is also known as a “Siamesefightingfish” because of its defensive and territorial nature. These instincts can actually be used to their advantage by incorporating a small mirror into thefishtank. This will create an illusion that there is anotherfishin thetankwithout yourbettagetting injured.

The illusion of having anotherfishin thetankwill give yourbettasome good exercise because it will try to protect its territory for a few minutes a day. When it sees its reflection, your beta will go into fight mode by flaring its gills, flaring and stretching out its fins, and actually making its body look larger and tougher for the impending fight.

  • Note that a mirror should only be used sparingly for exercise, a few minutes each day.
  • That way, yourbettafishwill get exercise by protecting its territory but will not get overly stressed because of the illusion of a fight with the “intruder.”
  • After a short period of having yourfishmove back and forth, you can remove the mirror, so yourbettacan retreat and regain peace.

Small mirrors are sold in pet stores and work well, but you can even use a small makeup mirror as long as it stays open and does not close on yourbettafish. Using a small mirror for a few minutes each day can help reduce yourbettafish’s boredom, give it proper exercise, and help him “flare” sporadically, just like living in nature.

‘Flare’ is where yourbettawill expand all his fins and gills to look as big as possible to intimidate potential predators.

Floating or Sinking Logs Are Perfect for Hiding

Since yourbettafishwill probably move from a small fishbowl to a largetank, it may feel a little intimidated in its new home and will want to hide in its new setting. Introducing floating or sinking logs is the perfect way to give yourbettaa hiding spot so that it can take its time getting familiar with its new surroundings and can be easily added to thetank.

Bettafishhide in the wild, so why not give it a floating log that allows yourbettato spend time on the surface while also hiding in the hole of the log.Bettafishenjoy swimming near the surface, so a floating log can work well here. Yourbettafishcan swim through it or sleep in the floating log while also inhabiting its natural environment.

  • A ceramic sinking log can also be a great compliment to help get yourbettafishacclimated to its new environment.
  • These toys sit at the bottom of thetankand give yourbettafishsome really good shelter, a hideout, or another playful item in which it can dart in and out throughout the day.
  • You will also see it relaxing in the sinking log when tired.

Make sure both the floating and sinking logs are 100 percent natural and free from harmful chemicals so that it does not distress yourfishtank’s mineral balance. Also, make sure the logs have a hole that is big enough for yourbettafishto play and rest in since it will be spending so much time in there. You do not want it to get stuck.

Playing with Ping-Pong Balls

Do you have ping pong balls lying around your house? A simple ping pong ball can be the perfect toy for your curious and inquisitivebettafishbecause the floating balls mimic surface prey. This will help yourbettafishpractice its natural hunting skills within the contrived environment of afishtank.

Ping pong balls can be an inexpensive toy that helps yourbettanaturally hunt prey.

Ping pong balls have benefits beyond allowing yourbettafishto practice their hunting skills.

  • Because bettas are quite smart, they can even learn tricks with ping pong balls.
  • Yourbettacan get valuable exercise and stimulation throughout the day.
  • Ping pong balls will also keep yourbettafishentertained, which improves its well-being and gives it an enriched life.

If you do not have ping pong balls sitting around the house, you can purchase Fluval moss balls or other live-shapedbettaballs from your local pet store. Moss balls have a double purpose, squeeze them and they’ll float before sinking and they help maintain thewater’s conditions for longer periods. How is this done?

Moss balls absorb and entrap nitrates and phosphates that are in yourtankfor up to two months. So, they are the perfect play toy and also keep yourbettafish’swaterclean by preventing the growth of unpleasant organic matter that may be growing in thefishtank. After two months, just replace it with a new one.

Caves and Shipwrecks Can Let YourBettaExplore

Other safe items that can help de-stress yourbettafishare caves and shipwrecks that can be placed at the bottom of yourfishtank.

A basic-looking cave will work fine as long as it is made of non-toxic materials and is large enough for yourbettato hide away from the world if need be. However, it does not need to look like a cave. There are other cave-like options available to help yourbettahide when it is stressed and needs a place to cope with its new surroundings:

  • Ceramic jars
  • Coconut shell huts
  • Tree-trunk log caves

In the real world,bettafishwould find rocks, holes, tree roots, logs, and plants to hide in or under while also taking shelter to escape from natural predators. Although yourfishtankwill be free of predatoryspecies, yourbettafishwill still need some items at the bottom of thetankto help live this natural part of its life.

As long as yourtankis big enough, yourbettafishwould probably really enjoy swimming in and out of a shipwreck toy. These non-toxic items add décor totheaquariumwhile also giving yourbettafisha fun place to hide and calm themselves when needed. There are enough nooks and corners in which to choose for relaxation time.

Mental Enrichment – Train YourBettaFishTo Do Tricks

It was mentioned earlier that yourbettafishis intelligent and can even be trained to do tricks. If a ping pong ball does not do the trick, you can purchase afishtraining kit. Yes, this is a real thing! This will give yourbettafishsome great exercise while also entertaining you with its new tricks. Manyfishtraining kits come with a variety of fun tools to encourage yourfishto move:

  • Hoops
  • Balls
  • Tunnels
  • Bars to swim over or under

Believe it or not, yourbettafishmay be able to learn how to play fetch, dance the limbo, shoot hoops, or even swim the slalom. It is almost like training a dog in which you can offer yourbettafishtreats for learning a new trick and performing it correctly.

These kits usually come with manuals that explain training tips for yourbettafishand can offer your beta hours of fun.Bettafishare quick learners, and they enjoy being active. Abettafishthat is entertained will be abettafishthat is living a more enriched life by getting proper exercise and reducing stress over time.

Althoughbettafishcan be naturally aggressive with otherfishthat look similar to them, they are not aggressive with their human owners. Therefore, they will be more than happy to learn tricks from you, play with their new toys, and be rewarded for a job well done with snacks. They are the dogs of thewaterwhen it comes to intelligence!

FoodEnrichment for YourBettaFish

Bettas love livefood. It’s all very well having their pellets floating on thewater, but it’s not much of a challenge and mealtimes can get boring. So, stimulate their natural hunting and scavenging abilities by using live foods such as daphnia and bloodworms.

Remember though, they only have a tiny belly so only need very small amounts offood. Overfeeding yourbettafishcan lead to numerous health issues, including obesity or even death.

You should try feeding yourbettafishat the same time every day. Feed yourfishan amount offoodit can eat in the span of three to five minutes without having anyfoodleftover.

That way, leftoverfoodwill not sink to the bottom to rot and affect the quality of thewater.

Bettafishare carnivores and they can be given treats in moderation.Bettafishlove to snack on high-protein substances that are either served live or freeze-dried, such as:

  • Brine shrimp
  • Bloodworms
  • Mosquito larvae
  • Mysis
  • Daphnia

Any of the above items can be great snacks for yourbettafish. They can even be used when training yourfishto do tricks.

Social Enrichment forBettaFish – Finding Tank Mates

You may wonder if yourbettafishwould benefit from abettafriend since you see so manyfishtanks with lots offishswimming around happily. Unfortunatelybettafishare instinctively territorial; therefore, they can’t live together. They will kill each other.But can anything live with a betta?

There are potentially some companions that could live with yourbettafishas long as the home is large enough to share. If you have atankthat is 10 gallons or more you can find some suitabletankmates for your betta:

  • Snails, such as the Malaysian trumpet snail
  • Ghost shrimp
  • Kuhli loaches
  • African dwarf frogs
  • Harlequin rasboras
  • Ember tetras
  • Cory catfish

A lot will depend on the character of yourbetta. My firstbetta, Triton, would attack anything in histank. Whereas Spike was as chilled as they come and lived happily with his shrimp friends.

6 Steps To A Happier Betta Fish: Your Comprehensive Guide To Enrichment • 2024 Ruffle Snuffle (2)

So How Will You Stop YourBettaGetting Bored?

This simple guide is a great start to providing yourbettafishwith the proper enrichment throughout its life.Bettafishare not naturally meant to live in afishtank, but thetankcan be designed to mimic the wild so that your pet can live a stress-free, enriched life full of exercise and entertainment. Have fun!

Betta Fish Behaviour FAQs

Why Do Betta Fish Play Dead?

This is a natural response for them, but it can also be an indication of other problems. Bettas will flip over on their side and lie motionless when they are stressed out or frightened by prey in the tank.

Can you put anything with a betta fish?

Suitable tank mates for a betta include:
Malaysian trumpet snail
Ghost shrimp
Kuhli loaches
African dwarf frogs
Harlequin rasboras
Ember tetras
Cory catfish

Do betta fish need toys?

Betta fish do like to explore and interact with toys in their environment. Bettas can be taught tricks using toys such as ping pong balls and hoops or a using a fish training kit.

How do you know a betta fish is happy?

Bettas should appear bright and strong in colour with fins that are open but relaxed, allowing them to move fluidly in the water. They should have a healthy appetite for their food and exhibit curious behaviour of their tank environment.

Recommended Enrichment Toys for Betta Fish

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6 Steps To A Happier Betta Fish: Your Comprehensive Guide To Enrichment • 2024 Ruffle Snuffle (9)TopCoconut Shell CaveView on Amazon

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6 Steps To A Happier Betta Fish: Your Comprehensive Guide To Enrichment • 2024 Ruffle Snuffle (2024)
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